Functional Strength Training For Moms

As a pregnant or postpartum mama, you have a GROWING LOAD to lift, carry, push, pull, rock, hold, and run after, and it will keep getting bigger, heavier and faster whether your body is prepared or not.

It is crucial to address any pain or problems so you can resume OR START strength training ASAP during/after pregnancy!

“But I’ve never had to strength train before….”
You’ve probably also never had to carry a 20lb weight around for hours at a time, balance a squirming 25lb human on one hip while unloading groceries with the other hand, or pull  a 50lb stroller up a flight of stairs.

Your core probably hasn’t been stretched to 5 times its capacity and then asked to take on a slew of unfamiliar tasks at all hours in oddly awkward positions on very little sleep.

Whether you are pregnant, postpartum, or on baby #3, it’s time to start “training for the game”.

At SHEFit Physical Therapy, we are your experts in pre and postnatal fitness – as physical therapists we KNOW injury prevention, and we can help you maximize your strength and balance your body so you can master motherhood like a rockstar.  Stop giving in to pain, weakness, and the lie that this is “just life as a mom”. Prepare your body for the birth and lifestyle you want.

Come see us! It’s never too early and never to late!