Postpartum Day 10: Cardio and Core
On my 10th day postpartum I was able to get out for a long walk – close to what I did at 40 weeks pregnant, but not quite! If you are like me you may still feel pretty unstable and fatigue quickly, as well as have significant bleeding, so pace yourself and listen to your body. In terms of the core exercises, I guessed I would be able to do 3 sets of 20, but on the abdominal exercise I found that was a bit ambitious. Remember that the abdominals are affected most by your baby’s presence, so they take longest to rehab. I was limited to about 2-3 sets of 10 for abdominal marches, and for the progression I showed in this video I was only able to do about 5 reps before I felt my diastasis startint to show.
Enjoy today’s workout and let me know if there is anything I can do to help with your rehab!
Sheri DeSchaaf, DPT