My biggest postpartum surprise...
Well, my long wait is finally over! My sweet baby girl was born Sunday night after laboring for about 2 days, and she was worth every moment! As I journeyed through early labor, active labor, transition, and pushing, there were quite a few hiccups. Like most women things did not go as I'd imagined, and hard decisions had to be made about when and how to stick to my birth plan, and when it was necessary to make adjustments. No matter how prepared we think we are, surprises are a "normal" part of the birth process!
Exercising in the Third Trimester
So here I am, entering my 39th week of pregnancy, and SO ready to be done!! But I wanted to shout a word of encouragement to all you 3rd trimester mommies out there who are, let's face it, getting a little uncomfortable - especially with exercise! If you're like me, then you're still doing okay with slow and controlled things like squats and light weight lifting (more on this in my next post!), but the jostling of jogging, and even a prolonged brisk walk
DRA Bootcamp starting in December!
If you are a new mom and concerned about how to get back to exercise, or if you have heard of Diastasis Recti Abdominis and want to learn how to prevent and heal it, THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU!!
Diastasis Recti Abdominis: Why, How, and What to do?
Diastasis Recti Abdominis (DRA) is one of the most common issues I see in postpartum women. Many of you find me through the internet instead of your physician, as unfortunately many MD's instruct their patients, "there's just nothing you can do about it," or, "just do more abdominal exercise." I have had several patients after such advice who actually made their DRA symptoms worse by doing the wrong exercises, or moving too fast.
Your Pregnant PT: Why you Should Exercise During Pregnancy!
I am excited to announce that as of February 2016, I will be joining ranks with the majority of my patients and becoming a mommy! For the past 6 months I have had the "pleasure" of experiencing that pregnancy roller coaster that everyone has been telling me about - the morning sickness, fatigue, crankiness, and general "ugh" feeling has prompted me to evaluate in a new and highly personal light all the advice and treatment I have given to my pregnant clients over the years, in a very good and healthy way! Through this new first-hand lens, I want to share some knowledge and research with you in a brief format, because it is often hard to sort through on the internet, and you won't likley hear it from your doctor. I hope you find this helpful, and if you have any questions let me know - I guarantee you aren't the only one wondering!
Exercise for Back and Pelvic Pain during Pregnancy - get specific and get supervised!
We don't all have the time or resources to keep up to date on scientific research pertaining to everything that ails us. So here is a summary for you of a great review on evidence based treatment of back and pelvic pain during pregnancy from the APTA women's health section.
Sciatica? Maybe yes, and maybe no.
So, you have pain in your butt - it must be sciatica, right? So why aren't those exercises you found online working? Well, "sciatica" has become a catch all term for pain in the buttock, but true sciatica is irritation of the sciatic nerve, and typically presents as pain or paresthesia from the buttock shooting down the back of the thigh and leg, along the path of the sciatic nerve. There are several other possible causes for your "pain in the butt," which include sacroiliac joint irritation, lumbar joint irritation, lumbar disc pathology,
Welcome to! This page of the website will be devoted to providing resources, insights, and links to outside sources that are applicable to women's health, pregnancy, general health, physical therapy, and our headliner, the pelvic floor! I hope you find these resources helpful., and please feel free to contact me via the contact us tab with any questions about the information posted here, or about our services in San Diego.
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